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The World Egg


Once there was Nothing, but what or how Everything came into being

is unknown.  There exists countless Worlds, Skies, Beings, and Space.

One day (a day according to one of the Worlds which is incomprehensible

to us) a variant of what we know as a bird was flying across the sky and

popped out an egg.




Recently, in between bottles of meade, I read The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell immediately followed my Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology. I’ve never attempted write my own myths before so since I was inspired I thought I’d give it a shot.  There were some ideas floating around when I first sat down to write, but soon I found the myths writing themselves.  As it tends to happen in my writing: I have a vision, I know where it should go, but once I start, the story takes off and leads me in directions I didn’t intend. Case in point, my light hearted endeavor to write some fun myths turned into 10,000 words and is still evolving.


I thought I’d publish what I’ve written here one myth at a time.  As a disclaimer, I am not deigning the existence of any deity or questioning our existence as humans.  To quote Joseph Campbell: “For when scrutinized in terms not of what it is but of how it functions, of how it has served mankind in the past, of how it may serve today, mythology shows itself to be as amenable as life itself to the obsessions and requirements of the individual, the race, the age.”


In the end it’s just storytelling.  What I’ve found in this short experiment that when writing them, myths indeed defy reality, but those fantastical episodes still require justification.  Of course the sun is a chariot made of gold that is pulled by raging horses across the sky, why? Because they are controlled by a God! Where does a hammer come from that will strike whatever it is thrown at and still return? It was made by dwarfs…duh! Myths are not believable, but the justification makes you accept the metamorphosis or impossible feats that occur in myths.  Myths also inspire greatness, for who wouldn’t want to jump over a ring of fire on an eight legged horse? Or wrestle to submission the three headed hound that guards the gates of hell?


If you are familiar with different types of mythology, you may hear echoes of them in what follows, what with eggs, hammers, lightening and the like, for myths reside in our collective unconscious.  If you recognize nothing, then enjoy it as is. I’ve tried to keep them short and will publish one at a time. As always I am open to feedback. Feel free to write a poem or make a painting about my myths if they inspire you. Slainte.          




The egg fell from a height not too high as to smash it completely but when it hit the ground it cracked in two.  The top half and some of the contents flew out but the other half remained upright and the yolk stayed inside. The half of the egg began to spin and as it did the yolk began spinning around the edge of the broken shell.  


The spinning created heat and the yolk burnt the eggshell smoothing out the edges. The ash fell into the egg white, sank and eventually covered the bottom of the shell. Some of the ash piled high enough to poke through the egg white but not before the yolk slowed its spinning and edge of the shell stopped burning.


The ash mixed with the egg white, and the ash contained bits of heated yolk, the sticky ooze heated and cooled as the yolk spun round and round above it.  In the center of the Egg, the ooze congealed into a great ball. The heating and cooling of the yolk above it created a heartbeat in the ball, and from that heart formed a Being.   The ball grew four appendages which spread from the heart. As the appendages spread the black ash mixed with the yolk and paled in color. The being took on a dark blue color. The Being also formed a head with eyes, a nose, ears and mouth.  When the ash and yolk could grow no more, the Being opened its eyes and became alive. Its name is Preem

Preem knew how It was created, It remembered being ash and egg white and burnt yolk. It remembered being heated and cooled and remembered when Its heart was formed and Its appendages spread out.  Preem wondered what It was to do now that It was formed. It lay on its back in the pile of ash and thought “Perhaps I could make another one of me.” So Preem rolled onto Its stomach and using Its appendages scooped some of the ash and white together to form a ball and waited while the spinning yolk heated and cooled the ball.  


Eventually the ball began to beat, and from it came the four appendages, as well as the head with eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.  When It was fully formed It too opened Its eyes and became alive. Its name is Sec and Sec took on a bright blue color.


Sec remembered being created by Preem and wondered why It was created.

 “Why did you make me alive?” Sec asked.


“I wondered if it could be done again” Preem replied.  


“Do you think I could do it?” asked Sec.


“You should try.”


So Sec gathered some of the egg white and some of the ash, but was hesitant and only made a very small ball.  The mix formed something alive, but there was too much white and the thing did not form appendages so Sec threw it out into the pool of white.  


Sec tried again, mixing the white and a little more ash and again it formed a creation, but it was again without appendages.  Sec again threw it into the pool of white.


Sec tried again and again, adding more ash each time, but each time the creations it made where unlike its form and unlike Preem.  


Sec became upset and water began to spill from Its eyes.  Each time It created a form that was not like Its own more and more water poured from Sec’s eyes.  

The Preem recognized Sec was upset.  “Let me try again.” Preem said, and so It gathered a small amount of ash and egg white but It did not want to upset Sec by forming another being like it.  So Preem purposely added too much ash or too much white and formed other creations. Some were short and crawled upon their four appendages. Some were great and lumbered along. Some were very small and quick, some were sleek and agile.  Some even had wings and flew around the heads of the first Beings. All these new being we very small compared to Sec and Preem, so small they did not notice Sec and Preem towering over them.


Sec still struggled to create forms as the first.  Those that It created were often scaly, or slimy or thin or cold, and each time Sec threw Its creations in the pool of egg white and water continued to pour from Sec’s eyes and drained into the pool making the egg white thinner.

“I wish I could create things like you,” Sec said as water continued to pour from Its eyes.

“Watch as I create.  Perhaps you will see.”

So Preem began to gather ash and egg white, and Sec watched closely doing the same. They shaped and added more ash or more white until they both formed equal balls.  Then they waited.


The great yolk spun round and round and the heating and cooling finally made the two balls begin to beat.  A heart was made, then the appendages began to form and soon two more beings were formed but they were different than Preem and Sec.  


One of them had a fifth appendage but it was small and its function was unknown.  The other being did not have the fifth appendage but grew two lumps on its chest and thus was born the first two humans.


“Which one did you create?” Sec asked because It had forgotten.


 “I do not remember,” Preem said, but It knew, and It was afraid if It told, Sec might be disappointed.


“Are you happy with these creations?” Sec asked Preem.


“Yes, we did well and even if we do not know who created which, they are both superb beings.”  


The first two humans awoke, but they were too small in body and therefore too small in mind to comprehend the Great Beings who created them.  So they stood on two of their appendages, unlike the other creations that walked on all fours.


But Sec was still not satisfied.  It continued to try and create things just as Preem but without help and It continued to make strange and glistening things while Preem always made warm and fury creatures.  


The Two First Beings noticed their creations were now many.  The creations of Sec swam plentiful in the pool of water made from Sec’s salty tears and they called it the Sea which now stretched out across the distance of the Great Egg and no longer was there any sign of the white.  Preem saw all of Its creations roaming free on the ash, but now the ash was no longer ash, but was mixed with the dung from all of Its creations and they called it the Earth and it stretched as far as well but not as much as the sea. And all their creations they called animals except for the Humans.    


And the humans were plentiful too and they killed and ate the animals either from the Earth or the Sea, and they began to multiply and spread. The First Two Beings watched still laying on their stomachs for it never occurred to them to stand on their appendages like the humans or the animals.


Now remember all this occurred inside an egg shell and the top was open to the elements of another world which was not only unknown to the Beings, but its creation is unknown to us. The new world made by Preem and Sec sat down into the egg shell and some of its walls towered over the new land and sea.

But from that other world in which it existed, a great rain occurred and water began to fill the egg shell.  The ash that was piled high was the only safe ground for the animals living on the earth and they began to climb. But eventually the water became too high and soon there was little earth left and it became apparent they would all drown. Even the First Two Beings felt the water rise and for the first time they have to rise to their knees so their heads would be above the water. Sec dove down into the water and began to scoop ash from the bottom and pile it as high as It could so the humans and animals had a place to escape the rising water. This collection of ash formed a great mountain called Peatrous in the middle of the egg shell.  But the Great Rain continued to fall and water spilled over the side of the Great shell. The spinning yolk was even cooled by the water and great pillars of steam filled the air and the flood threatened to extinguish the yolk that gave warmth to the world.


“What should we do?” Sec asked to Preem. “We must protect our creations or surely they will die and perhaps we will too.” Preem gave no answer.


“What if we stand like the Humans?” said Sec, “and we can cover the earth and keep the water from pouring down on them”


“Yes,” said Preem “And one of us should try and drink the water so the flood will subside and everything will be as it was.”


“I will stand,” said Sec and It rose to Its feet and stretched out Its limbs.


“I will drink,” said Preem and It plunged into the water and began to take deep and mighty gulps.  


Sec covered the whole of the top of the Egg and the water stopped pouring forth, but the weight was great and Sec knew if It returned to the earth the whole of the water It held up would surely destroy all They had created. That is why when you look up the sky is bright blue because you are seeing Sec.


Preem gulped and gulped and filled Itself with the flood, but It realized It was full of too much water as It sank deeper and deeper into the bottom of the Eggshell and It became too heavy to rise above the Sea. That is why when you see the ocean, it is a dark blue, because you are seeing Preem.


The Animals and Humans were saved, but the First Beings were now trapped in their own burdens.  Now they were so far apart they could no longer see each other and this affected Sec the most. So Sec cried as It was like to do, and great drops of water fell from the sky.  And Preem, trapped under the Sea, writhed and struggled to raise up from the depths, but Its writhing pushed more ash toward the center of the egg and added more land around the Great Mountain Peatrous. However, Preem was never able to return to the surface.


The Great Yolk still spun around the edge of the Great Shell and the plumes of steam are trapped under Sec’s protection.  But the yolk was much cooler now. Where ever the Yolk is, the opposite side of the world is dark for its light cannot reach that far anymore.


The humans and animals descended from the Great Mountain Peatrous, but this took years, for Peatrous was very tall for the humans who were very small compared to The First beings.  After many decades, they reached the bottom and found the newly formed ash Preem had pushed up. Eventually the dung of the animals mixed again with the ash and created soil once again.


Sec’s weeping feeds the earth and from the ash and dung of animals sprouts new life.  Although Sec did not create these things, It is responsible for life around the Great Egg.  And although the Preem is trapped beneath the Sea, for a while It continued to create new life from the ash at the bottom.  No longer could Preem create warm and furry creatures but created large and strange beast known only to Its self. Eventually Preem fell asleep and slumbered while waiting to raise from the depths and be reunited with Sec.  

Preem’s Dream and the creation of trees, metal, and rivers


                                              Preem slept and began to dream.  Preem dreamt of Sec and desired                                                to be reunited with Sec so they could once again watch over their                                                    creations.  As the dream continued, Preem’s body began to seep                                                     into the ash. Preem spread like roots burrowing into and                                                                  throughout the bottom of the world.  As the roots grew, Preem’s                                                    body shrank. The roots Preem had become absorbed the ash and                                                    water the bottom of the egg. The roots spread and slithered, when                                                they found the bottom of the Egg they began to rise to the surface.                                                When the roots found water, they remained so they could absorb                                                    the water but continued to writhe and burrow in the soil. Eventually                                                the roots poked out of the soil, but when they did they again                                                          retracted and continued to burrow.  They found the Great Mountain                                                Peatrous and with great strength they burrowed into the cracks and                                                continued to rise up to the very top of the mountain.


The whole time Preem remained at the bottom of the sea, but Its body kept shrinking the more the roots grew.  The water Preem had swallowed remained in Preem and in the roots. The water level of the sea withdrew and the sea shrank as some of Preem’s roots absorbed more water.  The humans of the world did not know what to think of the sea lowering. At first they were joyed because it was easier to fish, but then there was little water left and what remained was too salty for most fish and they began to die.


Sec saw the sea receding and the fish dying, and the humans lamenting at the lowering of the sea.  So Sec cried which was some reprieve for the sea and the humans, but it only caused Preem to grow stronger and push the roots farther up the Great Mountain Peatrous.  As the roots expanded, soil was moved and rocks from the bottom of the egg were pushed up and the whole of the earth moved under the borrowing of Preem.


The roots of Preem reached the top of Peatrous and they found no other soil or ground to burrow, so they sprouted.  It was a small sprout at first but as the light from the Great Yolk fell on the sprout, It began to absorb the light and grow toward the sky.


The Sprout continued to grow and began to form a great tree.  Before this time there were not trees and as the humans looked up at the top of Peatrous, they saw the tree growing.  Already the roots of Preem caused the ground to move, but now the tree broke the rock of Peatrous and great boulders began to roll down from its peak.  The humans ran in fear but many were unable to escape the rain of stones.


Sec wept at the destruction and did not understand why or how the tree was growing and Sec’s weeping continued to feed Preem and the tree grew taller and taller toward Sec who covered the sky.  The tree also absorbed the warmth of the Great Yolk and as it shaded the world everything got cold. The humans were already low on water and now they found themselves and their animals freezing to death.


Then Preem’s tree began to bear fruit, but it was not fruit as we know it. The soil had been compressed and kneaded and transformed as it was digested through the roots of Preem.  The fruit was great globs of metal like gold and silver and copper and iron and colorful stones like rubies and emeralds and diamonds. When these globs became too heavy, they fell from the Great Tree and smashed onto Peatrous, shattering. Shards of metal and stones rained down on the humans.  Sec continued to weep still not understanding the destruction It had to witness and Its tears continued to feed Preem’s roots.


The Great Tree rose higher and higher and eventually reached Sec.  When the tree touched Sec, Preem awoke and found Itself transformed into a tree with mighty roots that borrowed deep into the ash and reached all the way to the bottom of the Great Egg.


Preem, now as a tree, looked out across the world and was confused and bewildered.  Preem saw the Mountain Peatrous which was now all but consumed by Preem’s roots. The sea was almost completely dry and the light from the Great Yolk was hidden and all was cold.  The humans and animals were in despair, some died from thirst, some died from cold and some from the shards of broken fruit which fell and continued to fall from Preem.


“What are you?” Asked Sec with tears still running from Its face, “That has grown out of the mountain, who is the cause for so much destruction of the world and its creatures I watch over; those that my missing Preem has created, who I long to see again?


When Preem heard these words It spoke to Sec.  “It is I, Preem. I dreamt of you Sec, who I also long to see again and watch over the world we created. But now I am confused.  Why do you say I am the cause for this destruction?”


Sec replied, “Preem, you have transformed.  You have sucked up all the water from the sea, you have hidden all the warmth from the Yolk and now your fruit rains death to our creations.”


“Sec, I am sorry.  I didn’t not know.”


“It is good to talk to you again Preem, but you must stop.  As much as I desire to be in your company again, you must return to the sea or all hope will be lost.”


So Preem, although joyed to be away from the depths, feeling the warmth of the yolk, and speaking with Sec once again, Preem decided to shrink again and return to Its place under the ocean.


Preem began to shrink.  The water from Its roots oozed out and began to fill the ocean again.  What was left of its fruit fell from the branches but no more were sprouted.  “I will miss you Sec,” Preem said. “I wish we were united again. Perhaps one day I will see you again so we can watch over our creation.”


“I miss you too Preem and a wonderful creation it has been.  I will tell you all that has happened and what we have made is prosperous and good.”


Preem continued to shrink and Sec continued to cry.  But Sec’s tears where not absorbed this time by the great roots.  When the roots finally were below the Mountain Peatrous, they sank deeper and deeper into the earth but left tunnels where they once were.  These tunnels filled with the tears of Sec and became rivers and streams of various sizes but always leading to the sea, just like Preem. The yolk once again warmed the earth and humans and animals were no longer freezing.  As they recovered, they found uses for the metal and stones that fell from Preem when It was a tree. But Peatrous was forever changed. Preem had absorbed so much warmth from the yolk that the top of Peatrous was too cold for anything to grow there ever again and even the humans did not tread to the top for fear of freezing to death.  


Eventually Preem reached the bottom of the egg and found It was now under a great mound of ash.  Preem lamented that now It was beneath the ash and not in the sea so Preem decided to do something It had never done.  Preem again began to transform into a tree and when It was high enough It stood on Its legs. Its roots once again slithered into the sea and began absorbing water.


The seas descended again but not as much to dry up and kill all the fish. Preem reached to the top of the ash and when It felt the warmth of the Yolk, It turned itself into not one, but countless trees.  These sprang up and covered most of the earth except for the high peak of Pearous where Preem vowed never to grow so high as to cause destruction again.


Sec saw the trees growing and knew from far below it was Preem, but Sec was too far to speak to Preem but at least they could see each other again.


Alas, Preem could not remain as countless trees for the sea needed to be replenished.  So Preem pulled away from the trees leaving part of Itself behind. These trees grew fruits and nuts and spread on their own.  The humans found uses for the trees and built shelters for fear of another great tree raining down metal and stones. They ate the fruits and nuts the trees gave them, and Sec saw all of this and was happy again.


Preem descended back into the sea, and lay down.  The top half of Preem was in the sea and the bottom half was in the ash. But Preem kept some if its roots attached to a few remaining trees.  If you find yourself in the forest and you come across a great tree, so great you cannot understand how it could be there, or how it could be cut down, that is a part of Preem, still pushing Its way through the soil if only to still see Sec so they can both silently watch their creations.

The World Egg Once there was Nothing, bu
Preem's Dream
Preem slept and began to dream.jpg

Copyright 2019 all rights reserved. All stories belong to Beau Hulgan unless otherwise specified and are protected under copy right law.

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