So now, since my last post on word press, I've been busy. Thanks to the outpouring of support, the comments, the feedback and people enjoying my story, I decided try something new. I created a web site, thanks in part to Anna McGarry (aka The Fearless Nymph) who suggested I give it a try. Wordpress just wasn't doing what I wanted it to do and I've had some genuine fun building what I envisioned as a writer's site to share my creativity.
For my old fans (all 6) you may see or read some old and familiar stories. But now it is easier to navigate, find, and return to stories. For my new fans, enjoy my experiments. Keep in mind what is on my site is not my best work and may still need some polishing. If there are some mistakes, inconsistencies, questions, please feel free to add comments and suggestions; I have thick skin. I will consider your feedback, meditate on it, and either revise my work, or tell you you're wrong.
Also, thanks to a suggestion from my long time laziest friend Frank (aka Pancho), I am considering a Youtube channel where I will read my work aloud. This way, lazy people like Frank and hear my work instead of read it, or listen to it on their commute.
Welcome to my site. Look out for future endeavors, and keep posted for for more posts.
